
Being Left Out

Do you feel like you never quite fit in with a group?

I’ve been there.

When I believed I didn’t fit it, I would test my belief...

I would exclude myself to see if anyone noticed.

The problem was, it WOULD prove my theory true... because I excluded myself.

Our brains are tricky because we seek more evidence of what we already believe, which proves it true, and it creates a deeper-rooted belief.

Belonging is a big deal.

Feeling isolated is scary to our brains.

When I change my question to look for evidence of how I DO belong, my mind looks for evidence of how I DO belong.

Sometimes being left out,
is a mindset.

Sometimes belonging is a matter of asking ourselves NEW questions, instead of the ones that are painful.

When I learned that I have TOTAL control over my mindset, here’s what I chose to think:

I belong to me.

Me is all I ever need.

Me is all I’ve ever got.

I got my own back, NO MATTER WHAT.

Belonging to myself is the greatest skillset I’ve ever learned because it changed how I started showing up in the world and how I connect with people.

It’s a gift to myself, and it creates a ripple effect, I know this because I’ve been inspired by other ripples, which is why I’m sharing this with you.

You’re not alone.

You belong.

The difference between doing this work and not, is EV 👏🏼 ERY 👏🏼 THING 👏🏼.

If you’re having trouble with feeling included, I can help you. Use the link in my bio to schedule a free 1:1 mini session with me.

Talk soon.



If you’ve been using will power your whole life and want permanent change like I did, SCHEDULE A FREE MINI-SESSION WITH me.

I can help you with your specific struggle.



“Coaching came into existence to fill an unmet need, which coincided with the shift away from a model of psychological illness, and toward the humanistic ideal of wellness. And growth.” -Vikki Brock

Have a beautiful weekend.
All my best,

personal life coach