Have you ever thought...

"Well, of course, she can do X, Y, Z.

She's amazing.

She's like a special unicorn or something."


Special Unicorn 

Syndrome (SUS).

SUS: The belief that one is an exception to the rule.

We think she's just a fabulous exception to the rule.

But when we think we are an exception to the rule, we usually think we're an exception IN THE WORST WAY.

It's like we want to be diagnosed with something extremely unique so we can have a reason to explain why it's impossible to get what we want.

We think we're a one-of-a-kind, "mysterious case" of not-enoughness, 
who just can't   __(fill in the blank)___.

Do any of these sound familiar?
"I'm just the someone who can't get over my fear."
"I just can't find love."
"I just can't lose weight."
"I'm just really bad at math."
"The universe just doesn't like me."
"I'm just bad at money."
"I'm just... X, Y, Z." 
"I'll just never be able to... X, Y, Z."

Ready for some tough love?

There are no UNICORNS.

Break the Habit:

Stop self-diagnosing yourself as an exclusion to the rule. 

If she can do it, you can do it. 

She put in the work. You can, too.

Instead of thinking: "It's because she's a special unicorn."

Think: "Damn, what's she doing? How can I get 
next to her?"


It's so much more fun! And it sparks creativity instead of feeling self-pity which leads to never getting what you want.

Don't worry... it's not your fault.
It's just your ego.

The ego (part of your primitive brain) tries to keep you safe by not taking risks. It will tell you stories to convince you to stay stagnant.

If you listen to that voice, it will inhibit you from BECOMING the person you want to be. 

What I Tell My Ego:
"Awww thank you ego for trying to prevent me from encountering danger and risk. You're cute. I love you. I'm not an exception to the rule. I don't have special unicorn syndrome (you made that ish up). NOW LET'S GROW."

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let's go deeper on a phone call.

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