Toxic culture... toxic people... toxic relationships...

Thinking people/culture/relationships are toxic will make you feel helpless and puts you in victim mode faster than you can sing, "Don't cha know that you're toxic?" (Britney style, of course.)

Feeling like a helpless victim does not get you back into your power.

It most likely will put you in inaction, instead of taking action in a direction that is useful.

Why is it a problem to think something's "toxic?"

Because our brains take words and phrases LITERALLY.

When we use the word toxic we aren’t being literal , but our brain doesn’t know that.

People can not be toxic.

People are people.

they aren't poisonous.

People have ideas.

People with their ideas are not toxic.


I highly suggest you take TOXIC out of your vocabulary (unless you're doing a karaoke performance or a scientific experiment) only because you're brain takes this word literally and makes other people seem super powerful when in fact, they're just a person with an idea... who has no control over what you get to think.

Thinking someone is toxic feels horrible and powerless.

Thinking someone has ideas that you disagree with, has no effect on you and who you decide to be in any situation.

Quick Exercise:

When you're out in the world, keep a lookout for words or phrases that are deceiving. Remember your brain doesn't interpret the words, that's why it's a powerful strategy.

Here's what came to mind for me...

I found this is advertising:

Chocolate is often described as DIVINE. (Chocolate is not spiritual.)

McDonald’s has HAPPY Meals. (Food can neither be happy nor sad..)

Everyday Phrases:

"I fell off the wagon." ——> There is no wagon. Just start again.

"I missed the boat!" ——> There's no boat. You didn't miss anything. That opportunity wasn't right for you.


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All my best,


personal life coach


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