Are you asking disempowering questions?

Blame it on your brain.




Our brains are wired to look for danger, (aka anything negative) so it will try to convince you to stay with what's comfortable.
It's a survival tactic to keep you safe, and stagnant because stagnant is familiar and "safe."

But  HUMAN DESIRE wants us to evolve.

The thing is, you have to OVERRIDE THAT SURVIVAL BRAIN.

Ask yourself a disempowering question,
you'll get a disempowered answer.

Ask an amazing question,
get an incredible answer.

Here are my real-life examples of how I override my own B.S.
(aka survival mode aka disempowering questions):

Disempowering: Will I ever have enough?
Empowering: In which ways have I always had enough?

Disempowering: Will it always be like this?
Empowering: In what ways have I grown from this? Is it possible I will continue to grow?

Disempowering: Will I ever own a home?
Empowering: What will my home look and feel like?

Disempowering: Do I really feel like doing this?
Empowering: How can I make this fun?!

Disempowering: Will I ever completely love my body the way it is?
Empowering: How can I honor my body today?

Disempowering: Why do I feel so negative?
Empowering: What can I do to laugh a lot today?

Notice the energetic shift between the two questions.
Making this subtle shift changes EVERYTHING.

Want something in your life that you don't know how to create?
I can help you!

Book a FREE coaching session with me. You have nothing to lose by taking this step towards creating the life you want.


Have a question?

ask away,